Development is going great, It used to be this game like mirrors edge, with focus on fluid movement through a level, it is super fun swinging through these skyscrapers in the sky and the sense of momentum is spot on, sam is a great coder.
However, its not good enough! Im making games i wanna play and i want danger and threat in the levels. We are changing the engine to a tile engine too, so players can put together epic levels in half the time, they look great and can be huge. Im faking a lot of the lighting/clouds in the background so that it still runs full speed on old computers.
Heres a mockup prototype of some tiles, final game will look somewhat like this, only waaay more badass. You can read more on the blog, and il be blogging regularly here too. Cheers newgrounds!
( ps- who else has MK9? im loving it. Smoke or kitana are my favorite so far just for their speed and trolling moves :p 360GamerTag is: gregserg if anyone wants to play )
looks great